Looks like we were good enough after all!

Getting Messier

Yay - my first car!

Showing Nonnie and Papi what we got

Opening presents and saying thank you (Oscar gets his milk finally!)

Boys toys

Now that's what I call a Kinder egg!

Looking the part

Arantza comes down and we go out (dressed the same) on our new bikes

We go to her house and play wit her new baby bath (she has the coolest nativity scene)

One bath + 2 toddlers = conflict

Oops, perhaps I went a little too far...but I'm still annoyed!

Problem averted, we go back out on our bikes (admired by the neighbours) and get my baby

Friends again

Really, we love each other!

First Christmas dinner

Post dinner karaoke

Could have had a nice picture of Oscar by the tree if he hadn't been enjoying the cup so much

Out on the swing

A pretty dress won't stop me!

A bit girly but all the more reason to obliterate it

Sweet gathering a rather peaceful affair

Family photo - the best of several attempts

All of us together