One very exciting day last week it suddenly dawned on us that Mummy was packing for Acapulco. She'll maybe rethink the technique of putting everything on the bed after I unpacked the first aid bag and Tabitha ate an ibuprofen!

Sweet - a rare glimmer of hope that perhaps we might become bestest friends...

Lots of other kids to look after me and share the fun.

Some of our holiday buddies

But it wasn't all play for mummy and daddy. They had to do some work and while they did we were looked after by Tia Kay.

We don't think they worked that hard!

We got to spend some time together too

It was very, very, very hot! Jumping into the pool was like jumping into a warm bath...but much more fun!

Tabitha figured out how to advance through the water but especially enjoyed play time with the girls.

A new friend. Tabitha called it the river fox. Her guess is as good as mine.

He even let me hold him in the air by his tail (but mummy and daddy didn't!)

Monkey boy

Very yummy on a hot day

Tabitha and Sammy. Sammy proudly announced to Daddy that he had given Tabitha a kiss. Must be one special guy if she let him do that.

My bodyguard

Nurse Tabitha liked to make sure everyone had lotion on their mosquito bites!

It was nice to get back to the air-conditioned room and chill in front of a DVD

Then the last day we went to Mummy and Daddy's favourite restaurant which has a bouncy castle

Oh, and the other big plus point is that someone looks after the kids to allow the parents to eat. Not sure whether it's the food or the service they prefer!

Then we went up into the mountain to see the little church that Daddy helped to build the last time we were down here. There were chickens, pigs and goats. A bit smelly but I think I would have been able to take this chicken home if Mummy and Daddy had let me.