Friday, March 30, 2007
The Star Attraction
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Out in the garden
A nature lesson
We got this strange contraption. They say it will attract little hummingbirds. So we filled it with sugar water...
A nature lesson
We got this strange contraption. They say it will attract little hummingbirds. So we filled it with sugar water...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Missed photo opportunity
The other day mum spotted something I had never seen before in the garden. She tells me it was a dandelion clock. She thought it would make a beautiful photo if I held it up. But I thought it looked like a lollipop and ate it before she managed to get the picture.
Monday, March 19, 2007
National Holiday
Today was a day off here so daddy didn't have to go to language school. We had a fun family day with the MacKinnons down in Xochimilco (sot-chee-milk-o).
There were lots of boats especially because everyone else was off work too. Lots of people came by in little boats trying to sell things and there were even boats with bands in them and people playing music. There was so much to see!
With daddy...
...and mummy.
These shoes were made for walking!
For the last few days mum and dad have been tricking me and getting me to stand by myself. As soon as I realised what was happening I would fall down and I certainly wasn't going to perform when they got the camera out. So they decided to get me to walk just holding one hand.
Then I felt confident enough to stand for the camera (very proudly)
Friday, March 16, 2007
While I was sleeping...
I wouldn't go to sleep this morning as my friends Joshie and Eepie were over so I had a four hour afternoon nap! When I got up I discovered our shipment had arrived from N. Ireland and as well as a couple of new toys from Nonie (the ark and the caterpillar) I was delighted to see some old favourites like 'turtle'
Yesterday I went to the supermarket with mummy. She took far too long and I got fed up. On the way out she wouldn't let me have her wallet so I started to cry...loudly! A nice lady came running over and asked what was wrong. Mummy said I was probably tired (hhmph!). The nice lady gave me a lolly which had chilli powder in it. I really liked it.
She also suggested I might be teething and told mummy to rub tequila on my gums as it would take the pain away and prevent me getting tummy problems. Mum let me have the lolly but I'm not so sure about the Tequila!
She also suggested I might be teething and told mummy to rub tequila on my gums as it would take the pain away and prevent me getting tummy problems. Mum let me have the lolly but I'm not so sure about the Tequila!
More post
Mummy and Daddy had their missionary meeting today so a nice lady called Guille (gee-yay (with a hard 'g')) looked after the MacKinnons and me. When they came to pick me up they had loads of post and nearly all of it had my name on it!
...some letters and cards...
My new name
Everywhere we go people look at me and say, '¡Que bonitos ojos!' I think it's maybe my name in Spanish. It means what beautiful eyes so that's ok and the people who say it seem to smile loads. I always like to smile at people before they even smile at me (especially if they are little like me) and that usually helps too.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
A hiding place
This week Mr + Mrs Smith came to visit from America (where I was last month!). They brought me lots of post but the most exciting was a parcel. A birthday present from Miss Heidi and Mr Carl. Look, it's a lovely CD - how exciting. Thank you both. I miss you!
There's also a letter from Barb (who looks after us MKs) but it says I'm not allowed to open it until April...what could it be?!
(by the way - do you like my big girl pyjamas?!)
A Family Outing
On Saturday we went to a park near our house (well, about 30 mins in the car - near for here they tell me!)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
In Training
Mummy and Daddy say they are fed up of cleaning my hands 50million times a day so I'm in training for walking...
...maybe it's closer than they think because here I know it doesn't look impressive but I'm proudly demonstrating my ability to stand without holding on to anything (this was the first occassion, last Friday and it has only happened a couple of times since). I'm very proud and can even say 'good girl!' (mum - more like geh ga!)
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