Mummy took me to see a friend of hers yesterday. At first it was great fun - there was a doggy and some girls who were very nice to me. But then it was awful - they put me in a high chair and covered me in a cape and I couldn't get at my fingers to suck them. Then the lady sprayed cold water on my head and started robbing my hair!

Nothing could console me, not even a lolly...

...or mummy's 'shushing' - I liked my mullet!

Well, ok, eventually I realised my crying was pointless and I really do like lollies.

All's well that ends well. Mummy bought me some clips for my hair so that I look more girly and hopefully my beautiful locks will grow back again soon. I think mummy's hoping for the same as me after her hairdresser ignored her request to not take too much off the length of her hair!