Tabitha has been very excited all week about our neighbour, Paty's, birthday party on Saturday. All week she's been watching Hi-5 and saying that they are coming out of the T.V. for the occasion and that she is going to get glue in her hair.

After the hairstyle it was on to nails...

...then the face...

...and hey presto - a princess ready to meet her heroes (of the week!)

Oscar is almost bouncing on the bouncy castle - got all the action...without allowing his feet to lose contact with the surface

But the most exciting part was when Hi-5 came through the door and started their show. Tabitha was out to impress and answer all the questions.

Oscar was caught up in the excitement too.

Trying to keep up with the actions with the birthday girl
(even though princesses don't usually wear cow's ears!)

Neighbourhood girls together

and after Paty (who was rightfully first) Tabitha was hot on her tail to have a go at releasing those sweets (a far cry from earlier days where she was terrified to hold the stick)
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