On the road. Journey was very long and boring so I thought I'd make things a little more interesting by getting sick on the south side of the city. Mum and Dad will think twice about waking me up at an ungodly hour to sit in a car again!
So we made lots of stops to try and keep me happy!

But we got there in the end and I didn't hang around. Unpacking is overrated. I LOVE the water...and my turtle!

And as usual I attracted a crowd. But I'm not doing photo shoots today, they didn't pay me enough to get out of bed!

The beach!!!! The sand is lots of fun but I'm not so sure about the water.

Breakfast with music. I was their number one fan. They sang 4 songs especially for me and I danced and applauded for them.

Dressed like a beautiful princess (that's me, not Daddy!)

Happy and safe in Daddy' arms

Look up baby, mummy's taking a picture!
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