Friday, November 30, 2007

Back to the Doctor

It was a different Doctor this time. He asked mummy lot of questions about me while a lovely nurse played with me. She had some really cool toys. I got 3 lollies and a sticker. Baby got a sticker too but she pulled hers off in the car on the way home!
It seems the doctor and mummy were trying to figure out why I still get spots when I don't take my medicine. I think I have to go for some tests and if they don't show any significant results then I've just got to keep taking my medicine until the spots clear up themselves. That's fine with me - I love my medicine and always ask for more.


These Tazo things are impossible to flip over. How does everyone else do it?!

Eating again!

A yummy bag of popcorn!
A much yummier bag of icing sugar which I found in the cupboard and sneaked into the living room but my silence gave me away and mummy caught me!


I was worried that Puffin might be feeing the cold so I let him wear some of baby's clothes.
I think he secretly likes them!


Mummy is becoming a very strange shape but I must admit she is much more cuddly (except when baby decides to kick me because I'm leaning to heavily!).


Cuddles for baby.
Sshhh baby! Time for night night.
I'm tired myself, can I join you?

Girly things

I'm ready for the road - got my bag with my phone, my bib and my plastic keys.
It's all I need really!
Oh wait, a call! I'll be with you in just a second.

Christmas is coming!

Daddy is very excited. He couldn't wait to get rid of my toys from the living room and replace them with this very beautiful (and almost as much fun) tree which Tia Margaret and Tia Robin lent us. I really wanted to help too.
Oh it's so hard not to pull the decorations off the tree. They're just so pretty. I keep getting in trouble when I touch them though!
I thought I'd add my own special touch by putting a couple of jigsaw pieces on the tree. A bear and a giraffe have everything to do with Christmas don't they?

Big Girl Bed

Hello! I'm back.
I didn't go away but the computer is now fixed so you can see what I've been up to.

A couple of weeks ago Mum and Dad invaded my bedroom and started pulling my cot apart, moving things around, cleaning and generally creating havoc!
Here's the end result - lots of changes for me. I now have a big girl bed (my old cot without the sides), I sleep on the other side of the room and I have said goodbye to my sleep pods for a proper duvet!
It's a lot of change all at once but what really concerns me is the danger of it all. Look how easy it is to fall out of bed!
Do not be deceived - my eyes are open. It took me a couple of days to realise that I can actually now get out of bed when I want but I've been very good to mum and dad and only played the 'getting out of bed lots before actually settling' a couple of times.
Eventually the tiredness kicks in and now that mummy has pinned one side of the duvet to the sheet it doesn't fall off and I don't wake up cold. I think mummy and daddy love it when I go into their room and wake them up in the morning.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Sorry there are no photos this week - our computer won't start so we need to take it to get it fixed. I promise that I will nag at Daddy to take it to the shop and then I'll nag at mummy to get the photos on as soon as possible. Check in later this week and hopefully there'll be some new pictures.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playing with the big boys

There's a fascinating craze here at the moment. You get plastic discs inside crisp (chip) packets and then you get together with your friends and slam them onto the ground in a game to try and win their discs to build up your collection.I'm not very good at it but Daddy's got lots of discs. Everyone felt sorry for him 'cause he didn't have any and so they gave him loads! I'll be able to practice before club next week!

All in a day

Making a funny Play-doh monster...
...followed by mummy's tea leftovers. I love tea and coffee (off-ee). Can you see though that my spots are coming back. I'm taking medicine again and we might need to do tests to see what I'm allergic to.
Mummy was obviously working while I was sleeping (besides enjoying a cup of tea). I thought I'd leave my mark on her work!


Can you see how many limes are on our tree? I don't think we'll be able to eat them all (though they make great balls to play with!). I think we'll be able to give lots away.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Agnew 2

As a special treat on Nonnie and Papi's last day here we all went for a 3D scan (which costs about 1/10th of the price here that it does at home!). What an incredibly amazing experience to be able to see facial features, limbs, digits, yawns, smile-like expressions of the little one. We think baby is going to be very like Tabitha. What do you think?

What a blessing and a miracle the whole process of childbirth is!

Everything seems to be going ok. Baby is average weight, height, head circumference etc. The expected delivery date has been brought forward to the 12th February. Could still be an extra special birthday present for Tabitha on the 20th!


What was I thinking about? Oh, I can't remember now.

Last night photos

If I look dazed it's because Daddy and Papi were being very strange behind the camera - but it made Mummy and Nonnie laugh.
Soon we'll be 4 but for now I'm still the centre of attention.
Group photo. The camera was doing the weird things this time. Fascinating. Always made me laugh, but just a few seconds after the flash went off!

Yay, holidays at last!

On the road. Journey was very long and boring so I thought I'd make things a little more interesting by getting sick on the south side of the city. Mum and Dad will think twice about waking me up at an ungodly hour to sit in a car again!

So we made lots of stops to try and keep me happy!
But we got there in the end and I didn't hang around. Unpacking is overrated. I LOVE the water...and my turtle!
And as usual I attracted a crowd. But I'm not doing photo shoots today, they didn't pay me enough to get out of bed!
The beach!!!! The sand is lots of fun but I'm not so sure about the water.
Breakfast with music. I was their number one fan. They sang 4 songs especially for me and I danced and applauded for them.
Dressed like a beautiful princess (that's me, not Daddy!)
Happy and safe in Daddy' arms
Look up baby, mummy's taking a picture!

Trip to the Pyramids

The pyramids are very big!
Lots of walking to do.
Energy replenishment.
My first trip to museum.
I was very good but I couldn't resist screaming a little in the really cool 'echoey' part.
Can you see Daddy and Nonnie and Papi way up high?
Mummy and I went up high too (Daddy carried me!)
All hot work so an ice-cream was a definite necessity!


Checking to see how many Pringles they left me!
Not many, but something to go on anyway.
Nearly there...
Ahhh! So worth it!
But once you pop you can't stop!