There's a game called chubby bunnies and I think I would like it. You put a marshmallow in your mouth and say, "chubby bunnies". You then take another one and see if you can still say chubby bunnies. The winner is the person who can put the most marshmallows in their mouth and still say, "chubby bunnies"

I've got the technique - only eat half the marshmallow. But I've got to learn to say, "chubby bunnies" with my mouth empty first!

Last Monday we celebrated 2 birthday's - Jonny's and Tia Robin's. We had a bar-be-que but the best bit was the chocolate birthday cake and Tio Leroy's homemade ice-cream which were both very yummy.

At church today someone gave me a blue lolly. It made a real mess but it was fun...and tasty.
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