We started out with a craft. We made a photo frame and we'll send our finished pieces to each other. I had fun with some artistic liberty...

Here are Pippa and Romilly busy at work
And here's my finished product. Shame I can't go to Philadelphia with the frame...

Next we were going to go to the park for a picnic which would have been lovely but thanks to a bad weather forecast up north it turned out even better. And it was cold in Mexico City too. Can you believe it! It was definitely meant to be!

The best part of MacDonalds is the play area of course and I had a LOT of fun

Looks like Romilly and Pippa did too!
Then it was back home but the fun wasn't over. I just love jelly and ice cream. And Romilly, my mummy says to listen to your Daddy on this one - it's jelly, not Jello! I'm too busy to smile! Oh, and I got my bruise falling off the chair onto a table. Silly table always gets in the way!

So I had lots of fun and slept incredibly well that night for some reason. It could only have been more fun if we had actually been in the same place but I was thinking of you Ro, and look - Ronald MacDonald even did his best to make me feel like you were there. Having fun with Ro!

So next time I might be in Northern Ireland. I'm going there tomorrow. Can't wait to do this again!
Check out more pictures of Pippa and Romilly by clicking here.