Mummy wanted to tell a stor but I've heard it so many times I bored of it now...

She's agreed to let me tell you. It happened when I was just two weeks old. I had just gone to bed and mummy was playing in the garden with Tabitha. Naughty Tabitha went inside and locked mummy outside. It was Daddy's first day back to work so he was away and mummy was locked into the front garden. She climbed over the 6 foot fence to get into the back garden but the back door was locked. Tabitha couldn't open it so mummy climbed back over the fence to the front but Tabitha couldn't open that door either. If only I had known I could have helped.
Anyway mummy had to climb back over the fence and smash the back door to get in. I woke up a good while later oblivious to the danger I had been in! Mummy and Tabitha seemed to be much calmer than I think they had been and Tabitha took everyone who came to visit us to see the window. As I said, I'm bored of it now!
1 comment :
Don't worry guys..your dad did exactly the same thing when he was Tabithas age!!!! Only problem.... it wasn't his house!!!!
Cousin James was having a day procedure at the hospital and Nonie was baby sitting cousin Evanne for the day when your daddy locked himself in the loo. Fortunately it was a downstaits loo and Nonie could break the window to get him out.
So don't worry it's in the genes!!!!!!!!
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